
Healthy Foods to Lose Weight

Weight Loss

“Health is not valued until sickness comes” – Thomas Fuller

Now you’re probably thinking you’re going to read a list of all the healthy, boring foods that you read on every other blog site.

Well I’ve got some news for you.

That’s only half true 😉

I’ll start off by telling you I’m going to explain the 80/20 rule to you.

But let me get the “healthy foods to lose weight” stuff out the way first.

You don’t need me to tell you to eat lots of fruit, veg, healthy fats, moderate carbs and a protein source at every meal.

That is the standard health guidelines.

You know that!

What you need to know is the WHY!

When your goal is to lose weight, you’re residing in a calorie deficit.

(Eating less calories a day than you are burning, consistently over a period of time).

So you need to find ways to stay FULL, and SATISFIED.

Hydration, ample amounts of water will be the biggest player of this.

Fruit + veg contain water, and fibre – another player in keeping you full.

Carbs contain fibre.

Protein is the most satiating macronutrient of the 3, so it makes sense to keep eating protein… a portion with every meal.

Dietary fats are important for overall health – I won’t go into detail on this particular article, but just trust me 😉

All of the above is a given to keep yourself full to enable you to stick to your calorie deficit for as long as your goal requires.

But also be aware of the 80/20 rule.

As long as 80% of the time you are following the rules of “the healthy foods to lose weight”.

Allow yourself 20% of the time to eat the biscuit/ drink the glass of wine.

You’re on this planet to enjoy yourself.

So as long as you stick to the 20%, and keep the 20% calories in moderation.

You’ll be good.

And that way you can work towards your weight loss goal.

Whilst still enjoying life at the same time ☺

Yours In Health,

Steph <3


For daily nutrition tips and advice.

14 + 4 =


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