
The Lean Bean Course

Eat chocolate, drink wine and regularly eat out with your friends

This isn’t your typical weight loss course, but then I’m not your typical nutritionist

Here, I want to ask you something

Come in close. This is something I don’t want anyone else to hear

Because I’m about to ask you something very personal

How many times have you failed a diet?

Go on … count them

Maybe there was that time you joined the gym and went low-carb?

How about when Weight Watchers was all the rage?

If so, I have two things I want to say to you:

1. Well Done

For actually trying, as so many people complain about being overweight but never take any action

2. I bet you failed

Hear me out on this one

You started off okay with your eating, then you got invited out for a meal, had a stressful day at work, went for a few drinks, or didn’t have any shopping in, so decided the only option was a takeaway

“Screw it” you thought. “I’ve failed.”

And so you went back to eating normally, putting back on any weight you lost, until you were eventually right back at square one

Well, I have 4 words for you:

It’s not your fault

The fact you don’t have a body you’re proud of – one that you try your best to hide under baggy clothes – is not your fault.

I’m not going to blame genetics or wage war on carbs

I’m also not going to say you should give up on your idea of a lighter, smaller body

It’s my firm belief that absolutely everyone can have a body they want, and they love

And if you stick with me for another few minutes, I’d love the chance to prove it to you

Before we start though, I need you to know I have a Masters degree in Nutrition. I have spent both thousands of pounds and hundreds of hours getting ready to work with you

I’ve worked in the ‘trenches’ for years, and I can safley say I’ve found you the perfect balance between teaching you the science and making sure you have so much fun whilst dieting and suceeding

So here goes


1) Every diet under the sun can work

Create a rule around foods to ensure a calorie deficit is in place, WOLA

2) Every diet has failed you

Notice how I framed that?

They worked for a period of time, but they didn’t keep you interested for long enough

Well what if you didn’t have to stick by rules, and live a life without carbs, alcohol or any kind of social life in exchange for being skinny?





I should also tell you I’m not your generic nutritionist, but you know that by now


I don’t promote strict diets, I don’t sell supplements, or promise a six-pack in 8 weeks


My Lean Beans do the basics


They don’t cut out any food groups, or have to say no to any social occasions


And they lose between 6-12lbs in their first 4 weeks of working with me


I pride myself on being a coach who doesn’t need to use any extreme tactics or an energy-sapping starvation diet


That’s just not my thing at all


How the Lean Bean Course works


I asked myself: “How can I make sure successful clients lose 1-2lbs a week effortlessly without dieting and feeling mierable?”


1. A diet that bans NOTHING


You want pizza, you eat bloody pizzza


And get results like this:

2. An approach that promotes enjoyment of your journey


You want to go out to dinner with your friends, you go


And get results like this










3. A course that insures you never feel alone


This is by far and away the most important factor




You can have the best diet or plan in the world, but you need to have people around you to pick you up on your down days or cheer you on on the great days, that’s human nature at work


So what is the Lean Bean Course?



It’s a 4 week weight loss and nutrition course designed to help you understand the science all the way up to how it works for your own body



We work your nutrition/ calorie and macro targets to fit into your lifestyle and preferences, not the other way around. It’s NOT a course where I give you all the information week 1 and leave you to get on with it.


I’ll be checking in with you MINIMUM twice a day



The lean Bean Course is run in a closed Facebook group so you can connect with others on a similar journey to yourself


When you sign up, you’ll receive your welcome pack called the Lean Bean Bible and the week 1 webinar, then throughout the course we will have


– Daily accountability posts (what other coach do you know do that?!)

– Daily goal setting

– Weekly check ins

– Weekly Q+A’s

– Challenges of all different sorts


Continued learning will be done via webinars, fact sheets, recipe cards and so much more


Your nutrition targets will be set around your exercise, so if you already have a training programme, or don’t want to exercise just yet THAT’S FINE..

OR Ross our Food Is Life personal trainer runs the Lean Bean Exercise Programme inside the course which you can follow along to if you so wish

Basically, a whirlwind of being provided the tools, support and education to lose weight and keep it off forever

Now you might be wondering how much the Lean Bean Course costs

For just £3.10 per day, you can have the body you’ve always dreamed of

Why this much?


To me, it represents a fair investment


I truly believe that a course like this should be made accessible and affordable to everyone


It’s absolutely not for the people who don’t value their health, their body and their weight loss


But at the same time, it’s a far cry from the supposed ‘high end’ nutritionists who do little more than make you drink kale smoothies for breakfast, lunch and dinner












Before I leave you, let me ask you this –

What is the cost of not investing in the Lean Bean Course?

Are you happy with your body at the moment?

Would you feel confident in finding a diet that makes you lose 1 to 2 pounds every week, without taking away your favourite foods and that keeps you feeling full on your own?

Can you afford to ‘try’ another diet in the hope that this time, it might work … maybe … if you get lucky?

If the answer to any of the above is ‘no’ then why not give the Lean Bean Course a go?

It costs less than £100 a month

You don’t need to go to a gym, you don’t need fancy health foods, and you don’t need hours and hours of free time

All you need is WiFi connection, a Facebook account, a few hours each week to eat some good food, and a desire to get lean and drop weight quickly, safely and sustainably

If this sounds like something you could get on board with, click the button below.

I’ll see you on the inside 

P.s. here’s the Lean Bean Course top 10 FAQ

How much does it cost? £99

How much time will it take per day? Once you’re all set up, 4-5 minutes per day

Is it a one-time payment or recurring? One off payment

Counting calories sounds hard! I’m not sure I can do it? Listen to this podcast episode by clicking here

I’ve tried products/ coaching in the past – what makes yours different? Did your coach have a Masters degree in Nutrition? And if yes, did that coach check in with you every day of your course to support you, evaluate your numbers and keep adapting them accordingly?

If I have issues, can I contact you? I’m there with you in the Facebook group morning, noon and evening; we’ll be constantly in touch

How soon can I get started? NOW!

I am a Vegetarian and am picky with food- can I still follow the plan? I won’t be telling you exactly what to eat, you know better than me what you do and don’t like to it. We start with what you enjoy and then tweak that to fit in with your weight loss targets

How quickly can I expect to see results? The moment you wake up on day 2

Do I need a gym for the Lean Bean Exercise or can I do it from home? Ross provides programming for both 🙂

Hopefully that’s cleared up any confusion

If you’ve a question that I didn’t answer?

Fire me an email across: steph@foodislifenutrition.com

Got an exercise related question? Speak to Ross: ross@foodislifenutrition.com

Even if you’re not interested in investing right now, we’ll do our best to answer you

I’m not the world’s best saleswoman I know

But you don’t want to work with me for my sales skills

You want to work with me for the results I will get you

So let’s get started!!!!!! I’m already excited 🙂 



you rock

The Lean Bean Course has made a massive difference to how I eat, feel and think! I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn about proper nutrition and learn practical ways of staying healthy and lean forever.

amazing results

How many diets have I tried over the years? Everything going! Thank you, Steph for showing me the road to change, and help me understand and work towards my goals. Who knew it could be this easy?! I thoroughly recommend you to anyone looking!


The Lean Bean Program has given me the information and understanding of food to help me to take control of my weight and health. I’m delighted to already be a stone lighter! Thank you, Steph!

highly recommend

The Lean Bean Course has made a massive difference to how I eat, feel and think! I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn about proper nutrition and learn practical ways of staying healthy and lean forever.

I'm much more confident!

Over the last few weeks I have started to enjoy exercise again and I am seeing my body change shape. I have learned the benefit of eating more protein and how it gives me energy and fills me up. I am much more confident about fueling my body for my busy life and getting fitter. Definitely recommend the Lean Bean program to anyone who wants to get their eating and exercise habits under control.

FREE 7 Day Weight Loss Challenge


Implement a habit each day for the next 7 days and lose your first 5lbs without feeling like 'you're on a diet' :)

SUCCESS! Now check your emails (or junk mail) for all the details so you can get started today